Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Financial Success Strategies By: Brian Tracy

"You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you." - Brian Tracy

The turbulent economic time we are experiencing can be scary and overwhelming.Our economy and our businesses are experiencing financial reversals that have not been seen since 1937.And... if the economists are correct...this situation will continue into 2010!However, there are solutions to this crisis, and now is the time to take action. Brian did a Teleseminar a couple months ago that will help people turn their financial path in the right direction.With the Financial Success Strategies audio and notes, you'll learn:
  • Do's and don'ts of financial success
  • Immediate solutions necessary in turbulent times
  • 5 steps toward financial independence
  • Key to wealth creation
  • Key to investing
  • Key to starting your own business
  • Qualities that all self-made millionaires have in common

Financial Success Strategies maps out the necessary means you need in order to solidify your future and stop worrying.

Don't let your situation get the best of you -- there are solutions! Get Brian Tracy's Financial Success Strategies today!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Save Money With – 3 Quick, Easy, and Nutritious Dinner Ideas with Beef Roast

These days everyone is looking for quick and easy dinner ideas. And if that dinner can be nutritious as well, all the better. Over the next couple of weeks keep a look out in your local grocery store ads for beef roasts to be on sale, about $1.47 - $1.97 a pound. Stock up and put a couple extra in the freezer for future weeks. Now take a roast (or two if you have a large family) and use the following three meals for quick and nutritious dinner throughout the week.

1) Crock Pot Roast – This is an easy way to start off the week. Place your roast in a crock pot with water half way up the roast. Season the roast with garlic and onion powder. Check your crock pot manual for cooking time or generally 6 to 8 hours on low or 4 to 6 hours on high. Place potatoes and carrots on top of meat with four hours to go before dinner. Save leftover meat for the next two meals. If you have a large family you will need to make two roasts.

2) Bar-B-Q Roast Sandwiches – Now for the second meal, cut up enough pre-cooked roast meat in a large skillet for your family. Add some diced onions if you wish and cook thoroughly. Next, add some barbeque sauce. Place barbequed meat on buns. Serve with a salad and favorite vegetable or camp-style skillet potatoes.

3) Fajitas – The third dinner is fajitas. Still use leftover beef, roast meat from your crock pot meal. In a large skillet with butter, cook sliced onions, bell peppers, and mushrooms; if you like. After the vegetables are cooked, add the pre-cooked roast meat along with some Italian dressing. Cook until heated through. Serve with tortillas, cheese, salsa, sour cream, or any of your favorite toppings. Have some rice and refried beans to complete this nutritious, quick dinner.

So, you can make a number of quick, easy, and nutritious dinners from an inexpensive beef roast for your family.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Saving Money – 3 Advantages to Using Cash Instead of Credit Cards

In today’s world, most people are in the habit of using credit card to pay for purchases. However, this habit is getting a lot of people in financial trouble. Using cash to make your purchases have many advantages including…

1) Keep Track How Much You Spend – By using cash instead of credit cards it is easier for you to know how much money you are spending. This will eliminate the surprise at the end of the month when the credit card bill arrives and you didn’t realize you had charged that much.

2) No fees – When you use cash you avoid the possibility of late fees and over-the-limit charges. You won’t have any billing mistakes or overcharges on your account. And you won’t have a chance of damaging your credit record and most importantly risk going in debt.

3) Possible Discount and Accepted Everywhere – As they say “Cash is King.” It is accepted everywhere. When you use cash for payment for your purchases you may even receive a discount from some merchants which will save you even more money.

So, as you can see, using cash instead of credit cards for your purchases has many advantages. You will spend these many when using cash as payment, keep better track of your spending, eliminate fees, and possibly receiving discounts from merchants. But the biggest advantage to using cash is eliminating the risk of going into debt.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Money Saving Tip of the Day: Use the Local Grocery Ads for Meal Planning

When you are planning your meals for the upcoming week be sure to check your local grocery ads for specials on meat and produce.The front page of the grocery ads have the best meat specials. If a roast is on special, plan to have roast, potatoes and carrots in the crock pot once this week. Then buy a second roast to put in the freezer for another meal later this month. By buying only the meat and produce that are on sale you will save a lot of money on your family's grocery bill each month.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Saving Money – 3 Easy Ways to Save Money in Your Kid’s Lunch Box

Packing your child’s lunch for school can ensure that your child is getting a much healthier lunch and include items that they like. It is also a great money saver versus the school cafeteria lunch not to mention better flavor. If you are looking to make your child’s lunch healthier and less expensive follow the 3 tips below.

1. Chocolate Milk Instead of Drink Boxes – Yes, it is convenient to buy the drink pouches or boxes and just pop one of those in a day but your child will get more nutrition from chocolate milk that you prepare for them and it will save you money. Just get a reusable drink container, add milk and chocolate, and give it a shake; instant Chocolate Milk. Milk is great for healthy teeth and bones and easy on the pocket book.

2. Use Plastic Containers Instead of Sandwich Bags – Even though sandwich bags don’t cost a lot of money you can help reduce landfill waste by packing lunch items in reusable containers as much as possible.

3. Bake Treats Instead Buying Prepackaged – It is healthier to make or bake your own treats for your child’s lunch such as cookies, granola bars, and brownies. As well as saving money because you are not paying for all the convenient packaging. You will be eliminating many ingredients that you probably can’t even pronounce and the baking time can be a fun family activity after school or on the weekends.

So, as you can see making a few simple changes can make your child’s lunch less expensive and healthier.

And if you would like more money saving tips and health tips please visit

By: Rhonda Percell – Wife, Healthy Mother of 3, and Owner of Healthy Moms for a Healthy Family

Thursday, February 26, 2009

What Others Have Done, You Can Do

Excerpt from Brian Tracy's book, "The Way to Wealth - The Journey Begins"

Abraham Lincoln once said, "The fact that some succeed greatly is evidence that others may succeed greatly as well."

The Law of Cause and Effect says, "for every effect in your life, there is a specific cause."

If you can identify the effects that you want -- higher sales, higher income, greater profitability, more success, respect and esteem from others, you can then trace back and find out what other successful people who started at the bottom did to achieve those goals. When you do the same things that other successful people do, over and over, you will eventually get the same results.

The Law of Incremental Improvement lies at the root of all great success in life. This law says that every great achievement is an accumulation of hundreds and even thousands of tiny efforts that no one ever sees or appreciates. But the accumulation of these efforts, day after day, week after week, and month after month adds up to an extraordinary career and an extraordinary life.

The poet Henry Wordsworth Longfellow once wrote:

"The heights by great men reached and kept Were not attained by sudden flight.But they while their companions sleptWere toiling upward in the night."

Create financial independence - Learn more about Brian Tracy's Way to Wealth System Today!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Personal Finances – 3 Big Tell-Tale Signs Your Finances May Be In Trouble

Everyone is busy these days just trying to keep their heads above water financially. But when we are too busy to take care of the tasks we need to tend to it can end up costing us more money. Here are three tell-tale signs you many have trouble in your finances in the near future.

1. Your Personal Finances are Disorganized – If you are receiving overdue bill notices or if your check book is unbalanced or you are always filling your taxes late these can be signs that your finances are disorganized. This type of behavior can lead to poor credit, bounced checks, and even a possible tax audit. To get your personal finances organized come up with a filing system for bills that need to be paid along with a similar filing system for your receipts. Then start tracking all your spending of cash, checks, and credit card usage.

2. Robbing Peter to Pay Paul- Are you not paying one bill so you can pay another? Or do you take a cash advance out on one credit card just to make the minimum payment on another credit card? If so, you need to cut back on unnecessary spending and start paying down those bills that are do. It is also very helpful to make a list of creditors that you owe money to. Also, write down all your bills and when they are due. This will help you plan your spending and let you know what bills are coming up.

3. Don’t have an Emergency Fund – What would happen if you lost your job and couldn’t find a new one right away? Or maybe have an unexpected medical expense, what would you do? If you have an emergency fund with 3 to 6 months of living expenses in a separate savings account you would be better prepared for these events. Start saving a little each month and build an emergency fund while giving yourself piece of mind in the event of a money emergency.

If you can relate to one or more of these signs it is time to take action before your personal finances get into trouble. A little planning now can help out a lot in your financial future.

And if you would like more information about your personal finances please visit . Sign up for our free newsletter and receive a special report on how you can save $100 a week and give yourself a $5,200 a year raise.

By: Mark Erickson – Debt Relief Counselor and Owner of The Bankruptcy Alternative